
NNT Calculator: Number Needed to Treat (NNT) Calculator, unadjusted, adjusted, and marginal, for regression and survival data. Developed by Valentin Vancak

R/KMforCSD: Algorithm and the simulated data examples for kernel machines for current status data, developed by Yael Travis-Lumer. See also the MLR3 wrapper.

R/drkm4mc: kernel machines for missing covariates, developed by Tiantian Liu.

R/sl4hm: Simulated Likelihood for modeling household epidemics,  developed jointly with Rami Yaari.

R/PLR: Estimation in the proportional likelihood model with missing data and biased sampling, developed jointly with Malka Gorfine.

R/time2test: Quantifying the clinical utility of time-to-test recommended based on risk prediction Models, developed jointly with Li Hsu.

R/corihw: Leveraging correlated hypotheses to improve power under the independent
hypothesis weighting (IHW) with family-wise error rate.