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2023 |2022 |2021 |2020 | |2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Frangou, S., Travis-Lumer, Y., Kodesh, A., Goldberg, Y.,,F., Reichenberg, A., and Levine, S. T. “Increased Incident rates of antidepressant use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Interrupted time series analysis of a nationally representative sample”. Psychological Medicine.
Amir, O., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Mandel, M., Bar-On, Y. M., Bodenheimer, O., Freedman, L., Alroy-Preis, S., Ash, N., Huppert, A, and Milo, R. (2023). “Protection against omicron severe disease 0-7 months after BNT162b2 booster”. Communications Biology.
Amir, O., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Mandel, M., Bar-On, Y. M., Bodenheimer, O., Freedman, L., Ash, N., Alroy-Preis, S., Huppert, A, & Milo, R. (2023). Initial protection against SARS-CoV-2 omicron lineage infection in children and adolescents by BNT162b2 in Israel: an observational study. Lancet Infectious Disease.
Travis-Lumer, Y., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author) , Kodesh, A., Reichenberg, A., Sandin, S., Frangou, S., and Levine, S. T. (2023) “Rates of Spontaneous Abortion Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Israel”. JAMA Network Open.
Amir, O., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Bar-On, Y. M., Mandel, M., Freedman, L., Bodenheimer, O., Huppert, A. & Milo, R. (2023) “Three phases of increasing complexity in estimating vaccine protection”. Accepted to International Journal of Epidemiology.
Luxenburg, O., Myers, V., Ziv, A., Goldberg, Y. ,Saban, M., Brammli-Greenberg, S., and Wilf-Miron, R. (2023) “Can administrative data replace patient survey data in the monitoring of waiting time for community-based specialist care?”. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology.
Levine, S. Z., Rotstein, A., Goldberg, Y., Reichenberg, A., & Kodesh, A. (2023). “Opioid Exposure and the Risk of Dementia: A National Cohort Study”. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Rotstein, A., Levine, S.Z., Samara, M., Yoshida, K., Goldberg, Y., Cipriani, A., Iwatsubo, T., Leucht, S. and Furawaka, T.A., (2023). “Unknown treatment effects of donepezil in Alzheimer’s disease: Network analysis of three double‐blind randomized, placebo‐controlled, clinical trials”. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 19, p.e060933.
Liu, T., and Goldberg, Y., (2023) “Kernel machines with missing covariates”. Electronic Journal of Statistics.
Goldberg, Y., Amir, O., Mandel, M., Freedman, L., Bar-On, Y. M., Bodenheimer, O., Milo, R., and Huppet, A., (2023) “Measuring vaccine protection when the population is mostly not immune-naïve”. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
Huppet, A., and Goldberg, Y., (2023) “To Boost or Not to Boost: Navigating the Timing and Targeting of Post-Pandemic COVID-19 Vaccination Enhancement”. To appear in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.
Woodbridge, Y., Goldberg, Y., Amit, S., Kopelman, N. M., Mandel, M., and Huppert, A. “Public Health-Focused Use of COVID-19 Rapid Antigen and PCR Tests”. Scientific Reports.
Livne, I., Azriel, D. and Goldberg, Y., (2022). Improved Estimators for Semi-supervised High-dimensional Regression Model. Electronic Journal of Statistics. Vol. 16. 5437—5487
Travis-Lumer, Y., Goldberg, Y., and Levine, S. (2022). Effect size quantification for interrupted time series analysis: Implementation in R and analysis for Covid-19 research. Emerging Themes in Epidemiology.
Yefe-Nof, J., Goldberg, Y., Wiler, J., Mandelbaum, A., and Ritov, Y. (2022),“Self-reporting and screening: Data with current-status and censored observation”. Statistics in Medicine.
Vancak, V., Goldberg, Y., & Levine, S.Z. (2022), “The Number Needed to Treat Adjusted for Explanatory Variables in Regression and Survival Analysis: Theory and Application.” Statistics in Medicine.
Rotstein, A., Kodesh, A., Goldberg, Y., Reichenberg, A., & Levine, S.Z. (2022) “Serum Folate Deficiency and the Risks of Dementia and All-Cause Mortality: A National Study of Old Age”. Evidence Based Mental Health. Volume 25, 63-68
Levine, S.Z., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author), Yoshida, K., Samara, M., Cipriani, A., Iwatsubo, T., Leucht, S., & Furawaka, T.A. Early- and Subsequent- Response of Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Disease: Individual-Participant Data from Five Pivotal Randomized Clinical Trials of Donepezil. Journal of Psychiatric Research, Vol. 148, 159—164.
Rotstein, A., Levine, S. Z., Samara, M., Yoshida, K., Goldberg, Y., Cipriani, A., … & Furukawa, T. A. (2022). Cognitive impairment networks in Alzheimer’s disease: Analysis of three double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trials of donepezil. European Neuropsychopharmacology, Vol. 57, 50—58.
Goldberg, Y., Mandel, M., Woodbridge, Y., Fluss, R., Novikov, I., Yaari, R., Ziv, A., Freedman L., Huppert, A., (2022). “Protection of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is similar to that of BNT162b2 vaccine protection: A three-month nationwide experience from Israel”. The American Journal of Epidemiology.
Dattner, I., Gal, R., Goldberg, Y., Goldshtein, I., Huppert, A., Kenett, R., Manor, O., Pfeffferman, D., Schechtman, E., di Serio, C., and Steinberg, D. (2022), “The Role of Statisticians in the Response to COVID-19 in Israel – A Holistic Point of View”. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, Vol. 11, 1—9.
Feikin, D., Higdon, M., Abu-Raddad, L., Andrews, N., Araos, R., Goldberg, Y., Groome, M., Huppert, A., O’Brien, K., Smith, P. G., Wilder-Smith, A., Zeger, S., Knoll, M. D. and Patel, M. (2022), “Duration of effectiveness of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease: Results of a systematic review and meta-regression”. The Lancet.
Bar-On, Y. M., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Mandel, M., Bodenheimer, O., Amir, O., Freedman, L., … & Milo, R. (2022). Protection by a Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 against Omicron in Israel. New England Journal of Medicine, 386(18), 1712—1720.
Bar-On, Y. M., Goldberg, Y. (corresponding), and Milo, R. (2022). Protection by a Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 against Omicron in Israel. New England Journal of Medicine, Correspondence Letter
Amir, O., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Mandel, M., Bar-On, Y. M., Bodenheimer, O., Ash, N., … & Milo, R. (2022). Protection following BNT162b2 booster in adolescents substantially exceeds that of a fresh 2-dose vaccine. Nature communications, Vol. 13, 1-5.
Travis-Lumer, Y., Kodesh, A., Goldberg, Y., Reichenberg, A., Frangou, S., & Levine, S. Z. (2022). Biopsychosocial exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic and the relative risk of schizophrenia: Interrupted time-series analysis of a nationally representative sample. European Psychiatry, Vol. 65.
Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Mandel, M., Bar-On, Y. M., Bodenheimer, O., Freedman, L. S., Ash, N., … & Milo, R. (2022). Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid Immunity to SARS-CoV-2. New England Journal of Medicine.
Travis-Lumer, Y., Kodesh, A., Goldberg, Y., Frangou, S., & Levine, S. Z. (2021). “Attempted suicide rates before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Interrupted time series analysis of a nationally representative sample”. Psychological Medicine, 1–7.
Bar-On, Y. M., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Mandel, M., Bodenheimer, O., Freedman, L., Kalkstein, N., Mizrahi, B., Alroy-Preis, S., Ash, N., Milo, R., & others. (2021).” Protection of BNT162b2 vaccine booster against covid-19 in Israel”. New England Journal of Medicine.
Goldberg, Y., Mandel, M., Bar-On, Y. M., Bodenheimer, O., Freedman, L., Haas, E. J., Milo, R., Alroy-Preis, S., Ash, N., & Huppert, A. (2021). “Waning immunity after the BNT162b2 vaccine in Israel”. New England Journal of Medicine.
Bar-On, Y. M., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author, corresponding), Mandel, M., Bodenheimer, O., Freedman, Alroy-Preis, S., Ash, N., Milo, R., and Huppert. A., (2021). “Protection against Covid-19 by BNT162b2 Booster across Age Groups”. New England Journal of Medicine.
Levine, S. Z., Goldberg, Y. (joint first author), Yoshida, K., Samara, M., Cipriani, A., Iwatsubo, T., Leucht, S., & Furawaka, T. A. (2021). “Quantifying the heterogeneity of cognitive functioning in Alzheimer’s disease to extend the placebo-treatment dichotomy: Latent class analysis of individual-participant data from five pivotal randomized clinical trials of donepezil”. European Psychiatry, 64.
Levine, S. Z., Yoshida, K., Goldberg, Y., Samara, M., Cipriani, A., Efthimiou, O., Iwatsubo, T., Leucht, S., & Furukawa, T. A. (2021).” Linking the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale–Cognitive Subscale and the Severe Impairment Battery: Evidence from individual participant data from five randomised clinical trials of donepezil”. Evidence-Based Mental Health, Vol. 24, 56–61.
Samara, M., Levine, S. Z., Yoshida, K., Goldberg, Y., Cipriani, A., Efthimiou, O., Iwatsubo, T., Leucht, S., & Furakawa, T. A. (2021). “Linking the clinical dementia rating scale-sum of boxes, the clinician’s interview-based impression plus caregiver input, and the clinical global impression scale: Evidence based on individual participant data from five randomized clinical trials of donepezil” To appear in. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Travis-Lumer, Y. and Goldberg, Y. (2021) “Kernel Machines for Current Status Data”, Machine Learning. Vol. 110, 349—391.
Vancak, V., Goldberg, Y., and Levine, S. Z., (2021).“Guidelines to Understand and Compute the Number Needed to Treat”. Evidence-based Mental Health. [Editor’s choice]
Travis-Lumer, Y. and Goldberg, Y. (2020) “Kernel Machines for Current Status Data”, to appear in Machine Learning.
Liu, T., and Goldberg, Y. (2020). “Kernel Machines With Missing Responses”, to appear in the Electronic Journal of Statistics.
Vancak, V., Goldberg, Y., and Levine, S. Z., (2020). “Systematic analysis of the number needed to treat”, to appear in Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
Dong, L., Laber, E., Goldberg, Y., Song, R., and Yang, S., (2020). “A note on the use of weighting in the estimation of optimal treatment regimes”, to appear in Statistics in Medicine.
Kodesh, A., Goldberg, Y., Rotstein, A., Weinstein, G., Reichenberg, A., Sandin, S., and Levine, S. Z. (2020). “Risk of dementia and death in very-late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis: A national cohort study”, to appear in Schizophrenia Research.
Dattner, I., Goldberg, Y. , Katriel, G., Yaari, R., Gal, N., Miron, Y., Ziv, A., Hamo, Y., and Huppert, A., (2020). “The role of children in the spread of COVID-19: Using household data from Bnei Brak, Israel, to estimate the relative susceptibility and infectivity of children”. To appear in PLOS Computational Biology.
Huang, X., Goldberg, Y., and Xu, J. (2019). “Multi-category individualized treatment regime using outcome weighted learning”, Biometrics 75, 1216—1227.
Dasgupta, S., Goldberg, Y., and Kosorok, M. R. (2019). “Feature elimination in kernel machines in moderately high dimensions”, Annals of Statistics 47, 497—526.
Noma, H., Maruo, K., Gosho, M., Levine, S. Z., Goldberg, Y., Leucht, S., and Furukawa, T. A. (2019). “Efficient two-step multivariate random effects meta-analysis of individual participant data for longitudinal clinical trials using mixed effects models”, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19, Article number 33.
Willner, N., Goldberg, Y., Schiff, E., and Vadasz, Z. (2018). “Semaphorin 4D levels in heart failure patients: a potential novel biomarker of acute heart failure?”, ESC Heart Failure 5, 603—609.
Eiza, N., Zuckerman, E., Carlebach, M., Rainis, T., Goldberg, Y. and Vadasz, Z., (2018). “Increased killer B cells in chronic HCV infection may lead to autoimmunity and increased viral load”. Clinical & Experimental Immunology 193, 183—193.
Furukawa, T.A., Maruo, K., Noma, H., Tanaka, S., Imai, H., Shinohara, K., Ikeda, K., Yamawaki, S., Levine, S. Z., Goldberg, Y., and Leucht, S. (2018). “Initial severity of major depression and efficacy of new generation antidepressants: individual participant data meta‐analysis”, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 137, 450—458.
Goldberg, Y., and Kosorok, M. R., (2017). “Support vector regression for right censored data”, Electronic Journal of Statistics 11, 532—569.
Gorfine, M., Goldberg, Y., and Ritov, Y. (2017). “A quantile regression model for failure-time data with time-dependent covariates”, Biostatistics 18, 132—146.
Vakulenko-Lagun, B., Mandel, M., and Goldberg, Y. (2017). “Nonparametric estimation in the illness-death model using prevalent data”, Lifetime Data Analysis 23, 25—56.
Samara, M., Goldberg, Y., Levine, S. Z., Furukawa, T. A., Geddes, J. R., Cipriani, A., Davis, J. M., and Leucht, S. (2017). “Initial severity of Bipolar I disorder associated with antipsychotic efficacy: Individual participant data meta-analysis of five placebo-controlled studies”, Lancet Psychiatry 4, 859—867.
Goldberg, Y., Pollak, M., Mitelpunkt, A., Orlovsky, M., Weiss-Meilik, A., and Gorfine, M. (2017). “Change-point detection for infinite horizon dynamic treatment regimes”, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 26, 1590—1604.
Goldberg, Y., Lu, W., and Fine, J. (2016). “Oracle estimation of parametric transformation models”, Electronic Journal of Statistics 10, 90—120.
Wong, K. Y., Goldberg, Y., and Fine, J. P. (2016). “Oracle estimation of parametric models under boundary constraints”, Biometrics 72, 1173—1183.
Vadasz, Z., Goldeberg, Y., Halasz, K., Rosner, I., Valesini, G., Conti, F., Perricone, C., Sthoeger, Z., Bezalel, S.R., Tzioufas, A.G. and Levin, N.A., (2016). “Increased soluble CD72 in systemic lupus erythematosus is in association with disease activity and lupus nephritis”, Clinical Immunology 164, 114—118.
Levine, S. Z., Levav, I., Goldberg, Y., Pugachova, I., Becher, Y., and Yoffe, R. (2016). “Exposure to genocide and the risk of schizophrenia: a population-based study”, Psychological Medicine 46, 855—863.
Vancak, V., Goldberg, Y., Bar-Lev, S., and Boukai, B. (2015). “Continuous Statistical Models: With or Without Truncation Parameters?”, Mathematical Methods of Statistics 24, 55—73.
Furukawa, T. A., Levine, S. Z., Tanaka, S., Goldberg, Y., Samara, M., Davis, J. M., Ciporani, A., Leucht, S. (2015). “Initial Severity of Schizophrenia and Efficacy of Antipsychotics”, JAMA Psychiatry 72, 14—21.
Goldberg, Y. and Nov, Y. (2015). “Modeling and Optimization of Genetic Screens via RNA Interference and FACS”, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 29, 131—145.
Levine, S. Z., Goldberg, Y., Samara, M., Davis, J. M., & Leucht, S. (2015). “Joint modeling of dropout and outcome in three pivotal clinical trials of schizophrenia”, Schizophrenia 164, 122—126.
Goldberg, Y., Ritov, Y. and Mandelbaum, A. (2014). “Predicting the Continuation of a Function with Applications to Call Center Data”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 147, 53—65.
Levine, S. Z., Goldberg, Y., Yoffe, R., Pugachova, I., and Reichenberg, A. (2014). “Suicide attempts in a national population of twins concordant for psychoses”, European Neuropsychopharmacology 28, 1203—1209.
Goldberg, Y., Song, R., Zeng, D., and Kosorok, M. R. (2014). Comment on “Dynamic treatment regimes: Technical challenges and applications”, Electronic Journal of Statistics 8, 1290—1300.
Goldberg, Y., Song, R. and Kosorok, M. R. (2013). Adaptive Q-learning, In: “From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes – A Festschrift in Honor of Jon Wellner”, Eds. M. Banerjee, F. Bunea, J. Huang, V. Koltchinskii, M. H. Maathuis. Collections, Vol. 9, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, pp. 150—162.
Goldberg, Y., and Kosorok, M. R. (2012). “An exponential bound for Cox regression”, Statistics & Probability Letters 82, 1267—1272.
Goldberg, Y., and Kosorok, M. R. (2012). “Q-Learning with censored data”, Annals of Statistics 40, 529—560.
Lu, W., Goldberg, Y., and Fine, J. (2012). “On the robustness of adaptive Lasso to model misspecification”, Biometrika 99, 717—731.
Goldberg, Y. and Kosorok, M. R. (2011). Comment on “Adaptive confidence intervals for the test error in classification” by E. B. Labor and S. A. Murphy, Journal of the American Statistical Association 106, 920—924.
Goldberg, Y. and Ritov, Y., (2009). “Local Procrustes for manifold embedding: a measure of embedding quality and embedding algorithms”, Machine Learning 77, 1—25.
Goldberg, Y., Zakai, A., Kushnir, D. and Ritov, Y., (2008). “Manifold learning: The price of normalization”. Journal of Machine Learning Research 9, 1909—1939.
Goldberg, Y. (2007). “Secret correlation in repeated games with imperfect monitoring: The need for nonstationary strategies”. Mathematics of Operations Research 32, 425—435.